Unilever-WeCyclers Product Design Competition
By Cephaias Solar powered Self propelled waste Cargo AutoCAD Solid Modeling This was completely modeled within two days in an unfriendly (very poor parametric CAD) but effective AutoCAD Solid modeling work-space. (Rescued the day). And little time to expedite appropriate technical knowledge such as, Using the appropriate CAD, validating the model using commercial codes (ANSYS, COMSOL Multi-physics), a nice looking visualization. Fusion360 Modified WATCH OUT !!! The #UnileverWecyclers challenge ended yesterday. Winners will be announced on 13th of march, 2017. Thanks to everyone that participated 🙂 pic.twitter.com/eS5B5LJPgC — Stutern (@stutern) March 9, 2017 Participating in this challenge brings us confidence and hope of good things to come. Thanks #UnileverWecyclers Teams, Fusion360 , Building Proudly Nigerian Concepts.