
Showing posts from March, 2021


R USSIA (Old Soviet Union) during the reign of Joseph Stalin as it Leader; they have what is called a rapid Industrialization revolution when they discover that after the World War II, if they do not, they will be at the mercy of USA the then world power and still world power now. So the president have almost seventy percent of its population study engineering and science, they perform physical and intellectual test on their children to know their capabilities and assigned them to special institute where they can harness it. They have their engineers build heavy production machinery and plants so they also produce and manufacture for themselves first and export latter on. Japan happens to be a major patronage of the Russian technology and ideas. As a result these revolutions they (Russia) even became the first country to travel to space by building the sputnik 1. The Soviet Union (Russian) Industrial Revolution shortly after the World War 2, starting what’s called the “Cold w...

Copies, Copies, Copies: Are You Unintentionally Leaking Your Intellectual Property?

By John McEleney Are copies of your proprietary designs on multiple computers in multiple locations – with partners, manufacturers, vendors and suppliers? Do you have an inadvertent leakage problem without even knowing it?   Odds are extremely high that both your answers are a screaming “YES!”   As John Rousseau, who leads the Operations team here at Onshape , puts it, here’s one scenario where you could confidently say you have no security problem:   “Keeping your data on a desktop machine in a physically secure room with no network connection, no other users, and no other software (except a traditional CAD package) would be very secure,” he writes. “However, it’s also not very realistic, and it’s not the way most CAD users work today.”   The way the most security-savvy companies control data today is they put physical fences around their offices and virtual fences with firewalls and other cyber-safeguards. So how do people communicate and shar...