Outcome of ACAN
seminar on the 19th of January, 2016. ACAN is an acronym for
Association of Consulting Architects Nigeria, if you don’t know, these are host
of leading partners at their various organizations.
The 19th
of January event was powered by AllCAD Consult Limited and supported by
Autodesk and Archibus, in which invitations are extended beyond just the ACAN
but to other bodies of the household of **AEC industries in Nigeria.
The seminar was
delivered by Arc. Ayoade Aderele, CEO of AllCAD Consult Limited, and it proved to
be informative and an eye opener to BIM (Building Information Model).
He discussed
series of topics ranging from the following
The definition of BIM itself
What BIM is not,
iii. The dos and don’ts of BIM
Knowledge of BIM maturity matrix (BIM3)
LODs (Level of detailing/Development)
vi How to make money from doing BIM.
With the
discussions of BIM receiving more attention now. I believe our AEC industries and
individuals might need to re-access where they stand.
Arc. Ayoade Aderele is the owner of AllCAD Consult Limited an Autodesk VAR (Value Added Reseller) in Nigeria and a major thought leader on BIM in Nigeria. He is schedule to have another seminar in Abuja, the following week of the event. My source reported that these movement has really caught the attention of the government and series of meetings have been ongoing as regarding implementing BIM in the AEC standards in Nigeria.
My prayers is
that they will be found BIM ready when the measures and standards are being implemented.