
Showing posts from November, 2016

Simple-steps to solving CSWA certification sample questions (Pivot) III

By Cephaias Schematic Diagram of the Pivot We will model our pivot in this lesson (Assembling of a scissors lift), Please refer to the diagram above for correct dimensioning. Also, here are things to take notes of as you watch this video. Below the screen are tabs of keyboard functions that are frequently used in SolidWorks. Functions like, Ctrl, Alt, Shift, NumLock, CapsLock, ScrollLock and in their middle is the input display box. The hourglass Mouse pointer with the subscripts of L, R, LL and RR represents Left/Right mouse click button and their Double clicks (RR/LL). These are made so, to enable a better understanding of operations performed in the process of  our modelling. Sorry we can’t provide you with a commentary, so enjoy the music. we hope it wets your taste for more . I do hope you find this series interesting. About the Author Cephaias  (Real name, Roland Boluwatife) is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from the Federal Univers...

Simple-steps to solving CSWA certification sample questions (II)

Part Two - Lower Base Download Sample Questions  and  Data-set here What is the center of mass of the assembly with respect to the illustrated coordinate system? A. X = –1.35, Y = 3.00, Z = 4.25 B. X = –1.35, Y = 3.00, Z = 3.75 C. X = 1.35, Y = 3.00, Z = 3.75 D. X = 1.35, Y = 3.00, Z = 4.25   Our aim is to Answer the Question above by modelling all the seven components of the Scissors lift and assemble them.

Simple-steps to solving CSWA certification sample questions

"Hello there, I have been going through some of the 2010 CSWA certification sample questions and have made videos that shows simple-steps to solving them. So if you are thinking of getting a CSWA certificate, follow up on this tread. Let's get it on!" 2010 CSWA Practice Question 8:  Assembly Modeling Model the assembly shown in the figures provided. Use the following information. The assembly is a scissors lift containing seven components : Lower Base, Upper Base, Link, Pivot, Short Pin, Long Pin, and Shaft. There are two short pins, two long pins, two pivots , and eight links in the assembly. Unit system: IPS (inch, pound, second) Assembly origin: As shown Decimal places: 2 A = 20.50 B = 6.50 C = 36° Material: AISI 1020 for all components. Each base has .025″ internal radii. The shaft is centered in the assembly horizontally (from left to right) and vertically (between the lower base and upper base). The shaft fits in the holes in the pivot (no ...

Simple-steps to solving CSWA certification sample questions (Overview)

What to expect, we will be modelling the seven components of the scissors lift in this tutorial. Download exercise file here .